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At first the therapist was not clear what Janet's problems were, despite interviewing her parents and her year tutor at school.
He had entered the law school in 1851 after spending a year tutoring in New York City.
'It was a highly successful and enjoyable evening' wrote one of the twelve fifth year tutors who were invited.
In addition, gap year tutors are lodged in the boarding house and assist with day-to-day operations.
He went next to Moldavia, where he spent a year tutoring for a wealthy Ghica family.
After two years tutoring those youths, in 1798 at the age of only 23, Schelling was called to Jena as an extraordinary professor of philosophy.
Class sizes are generally small, and children's progress is carefully monitored by a system of class teachers, advisers and Year Tutors.
Each hall also has its own Team Coordinator and Hall Administrator, as well as the set year tutors.
Last year tutoring was a $4 billion business nationally, according to Eduventures Inc., an education market research and consultant concern based in Boston.
Each year group has a year tutor (Head of Year), who follows the year group up until Year 11.
In an interview attended by a newly referred pupil, his parents and the head and year tutor of the referring school Roger was blunt and uncompromising:
Whilst at Central, the renowned theatre designer Pamela Howard, then first year tutor, told Powell that there was nothing that she could teach her.
Advanced Placement physics students in the spring of senior year tutor students preparing for the physics Regents exam and assist instructors in physics labs.
As a soldier he fought in the Franco-German War, after which he was for some years tutor to one of the princes of the German imperial family.
Dr. Jenny Wendle (Jaye Griffiths) - An experienced first year tutor, and Millie's mentor.
He studied at the universities of Prague and Vienna, and was for several years tutor in the house of Count George Andrassy.
The microcomputer will print out reminders for all items which are overdue on a particular date and the reminders can be sent to pupils via the form or year tutor.
He is a lecturer in Fine Art Photography at the University of Gloucestershire and a third year tutor at Middlesex University (2012).
Martin was for some years tutor to the MacLeods of Skye, and had also been at one time a scholar at Leiden University in the Netherlands.
I spent much of last year tutoring one of my godsons--if we'd had Africana then, we wouldn't have had to leave my house to walk around to the library.
I work in a new university in the North West of England - I carry a heavy teaching load, I am a year tutor and I publish.
He became a $300 a year tutor at Isaac N. Bragg's Academy, a school for wealthy youths on Roosevelt Street., and joined an Episcopal church run by Reverend Edward Mitchell.
The Clubhouse (Dreambuilders) After-School Ministry has seven Dayton-area locations where more than 400 trained teenagers each year tutor, mentor, and play with at-risk children, providing safe and educational alternatives to children being home alone after school or during summer break.
The academic staff of Edinburgh University included some highly regarded names, and Maxwell's first year tutors included Sir William Hamilton, who lectured him on logic and metaphysics, Philip Kelland on mathematics, and James Forbes on natural philosophy.