Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
In the center was a yellowish growth of some kind.
The bottom of the hands and feet are a yellowish brown.
The little man's eyes were hard, the yellowish cast gone.
I would try to find out something about the yellowish object.
They are dirty yellowish green with a dark brown head.
The plant is yellowish in color during spring and summer.
This could cause the sky to become yellowish at times.
So called from its yellowish brown and somewhat black color.
We sat in the yellowish quiet for a while and worked without talking.
Body is usually black with yellowish spots on the head.
It can range in color from slightly yellowish to white.
Its wood is dark yellowish brown, very hard and heavy.
When used in warfare, they have a color yellowish to brown.
Their color is light yellowish green, but may turn red when mature.
He was watching the yellowish desert below when the break came.
The lower half of its body has a yellowish white hue.
The stem is light yellowish brown often with a black base.
A few hours later a yellowish mold started to appear.
The general body color varies across species from yellowish to dark brown.
The fish are dark olive above, and a yellowish color below.
They are generally of yellowish color with dark brown patch.
There was some sort of a yellowish glow coming from deep inside the window.
Olive can also be referred to as dark yellowish green.
The head is yellowish with four or five black bars on the sides.
At first, they are white, but later develop yellowish tones.