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He was also active in youth work throughout his life.
But youth work has taken a heavy hit in the cuts.
It is, however, impossible to get any significant Union support for this youth work.
This project has created new jobs for the community and gives youth work experience.
Particular stress is the devotion to church music and youth work.
These currently include environmental improvements, community services and youth work.
A significant number of the island's youths work in resorts.
The vast majority of youth work, however, is still done by volunteers.
He spent part of his youth working in central Queensland.
The movement was founded in 1924 by youth working to defend their rights.
All students placed in this project have gone on to successful youth work careers.
Youth work is community support activity aimed at older children and adolescents.
Residential youth work is especially common in the Christian sphere.
Jefferson came to Church youth work with very solid credentials.
The hunter seemed to have fainted and the youth worked quickly.
The choir is a key resource in parish youth work.
Also, the club put more and more value on a good youth work.
The youth working with him that day felt differently.
With their emphasis on youth work, many congregations have a high proportion of young people.
Youth work at their own pace and may begin at any level.
Many people involved with youth work pursue this as an avocation.
Together, they started writing their own material, mainly performing at youth work actions.
He is also involved in youth work and drugs rehabilitation programmes.
These centers offer space for youngsters to meet, and apart from learning about each other, they also get youth work support.
Though the youths worked carefully around the plateau, they found no sign of any shelter.