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"The word 'yuck' is similar in languages all over the world.
"I was looking at people on the street and saying 'Yuck,' " she said.
"There are 1 or 2 percent who say 'yuck,' but 98 percent are enthusiastic."
'Yuck is what his arm was, all right,' said Florence Hyde.
"It never bothered my husband," she said, "but it was always like 'Yuck!'
"I don't think he could ever overcome the 'Yuck!'
I worry about them coming, and within my earshot saying 'Yuck, this really stinks,' and then turning right around and leaving."
"If they say the turkey is 'yuck,' they may not be talking about the food, but about family changes," Mr. Bowman said.
"Most people, when you say 'soy beverage' go 'Yuck!'
Rene - Mt Hamilton, California - 3 days ago yuck- too skinny and the other one is heinous in her own special way too... is rumor actually a woman??
"When I told my friends I was learning Russian, their general reaction was 'yuck,' " said Merrilee Shannon, a sophomore in one of Ms. Snow's classes.
He is quoted as saying "They offered me two different roles and I went for the transsexual because I felt like when the door opens and you see that it's me, it should get a 'Yuck!'"
However some simply prefer their goods brand new and/or feel secondhand items are inferior or shabby (the 'yuck factor'), especially in the case of clothing or items used for eating such as plates or cutlery.
"The first reaction of my friends when I told them I was attending a wedding on a boat was 'Yuck, you can't leave when you want,' " said Gail Dubov, a Manhattan art director.