What you get from means-tested benefits depends on what your income is.
Personally I think it is daft and wrong to tax people and then give them means-tested benefits back.
In reality, a means test for bus passes etc would be linked to means-tested benefits like pension credit.
Do the figures include the other 153,000+ people on various means-tested benefits including income support?
Forty thousand from family credit and two hundred thousand people will be means-tested benefit.
Your point would have validity were it the case that means-tested benefits worked.
Essentially, means-tested benefits is a great way to create a bureaucracy - but a poor way to get money to those who need it.
If you are on means-tested benefits, the way you pay back tax may affect your entitlement.
This replaced the system of public assistance, a locally administered means-tested benefit.
If this happens, you may still be able to claim Pension Credit, which is a means-tested benefit.