"zaspokajany" in inglés — Polish-inglés dictionary | Mirar "zaspokajany" in Polish


  1. gratified
  1. satisfy **
    • zaspokajać (potrzeby, pragnienia) [TRANSITIVE]
      He knows how to satisfy my every need.
      She asked me a lot of questions to satisfy her curiosity.
      link synonym: feed
  2. supply ****
    • zaspokajać (np. popyt) [TRANSITIVE]
      We tried to supply our children's needs, but we failed.
      We supplied our hunger and continued working.
  3. fulfil BrE * , fulfill AmE *
  4. indulge *
  5. accommodate **
  6. cater to somebody * , cater for somebody BrE
  7. meet *****
    • zaspokajać (np. potrzebę)
      My former lover did not meet my needs.
      He is meeting my every need.
  8. gratify
  9. assuage , also: asswage
  10. sate
  11. feed ****
  12. satiate
  13. slake
  1. cater to something AmE * , cater for something BrE
    • zaspokajać, spełniać (np. czyjeś żądania, potrzeby)
      provide somebody with something that is needed or required
  1. appease  
  2. englut