Like myself, he has declined an offer of civilian employment with the agency to which we are attached.
The number of people classified as in civilian employment rose by only 29 per cent between 1952 and 1973.
Army training, he says, can lead to high-paying civilian employment.
In 1968 the figure was raised to $1.60, and total civilian employment rose 4.7 percent within a year to 77.9 million.
When it was raised in 1981 to $3.35, civilian employment reached 100.4 million.
She subsequently returned to civilian employment under the name Isabella.
The public may obtain information on military personnel, civilian employment and contracts from the station.
He opted for the latter, thinking that it was the only one which offered training applicable to civilian employment.
Since 1997, civilian employment in the department has increased.
In practice this meant that they could undertake civilian employment when not required on duty.