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Every day, they start their performance first at the zamindar's home per the custom.
However, the former gets caught in the act by the zamindar, who then kills her.
The village people comes to know about this incident and groups up to attack the Zamindar.
At this juncture, a new baby is born to the Zamindar.
Later that evening, both brothers make up with the Zamindar and invite him to their home.
The once powerful king had been reduced to the status of a mere zamindar.
The movie highlights the clash between village zamindar and five men.
As a child she was adopted by a Zamindar.
By the zamindari system all the public lands were brought under the zamindar's control.
The farmer became free of exploitation by the Zamindar and got ownership right on his land.
Thus,he married his daughter off to another rich, widow and rake zamindar.
Finally, they are released and the zamindar agrees to slightly increase their payment.
Various other terms for zamindar were and are used in various provinces.
The zamindar is away and there is no one to watch or reward them.
Also known for the huge traditional houses owned by the members of the earstwhile zamindar family.
In the meantime, the zamindar loses his court case.
She was a daughter of a Zamindar family.
Dhananjay has won the race numerous times under the Zamindar's patron.
Zamindar of a village has no children and adopts a boy from an Orphanage.
His father was a subordinate revenue official in the service of a local zamindar (landlord).
It was the earlier high court building established in 1984 called the Tajhat, a former zamindar's palace.
That would dissolve her marriage to the Zamindar under Indian law.
Shortly later, the local police arrive and arrest the zamindar, because they witnessed him killing his own wife.
After the death of his father, he ascended to his position and rights as a zamindar.
Zamindar (Relangi) does not have any children heirs for his property.