Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Can we just have a nice, fat zip archive please?
The Finder can also create and expand zip archives.
The skins are zip archives, renamed with the extension .
Another really nice feature is support for downloading any folder as a compressed zip archive.
ZIP archives can also include extra data that is not related to the .
The ZIP archive with all three versions will download immediately.
Method 8 has become the de facto base standard for ZIP archives.
Recordings of calls to the Australian phone number (in Zip archive)
Unicode file name support for ZIP archives was also added.
This is also the algorithm used in the ZIP archive format.
Zip archives are supported internally and external archivers can be used to support other archive types.
ZIP archives must scan for the signatures of the various fields in the .
The program handles Zip archives, a standard way of compressing little-needed files to save disk space.
Creation of, addition to, and extraction from ZIP archives.
ZIP archive is only two seconds, though extra fields can be used to store more accurate timestamps.
ZIP archive data, and for the archive to still be read by a .
A draft of SQL:2008 is freely available as a zip archive.
If compressed, the compression is in ZIP archive format.
ZIP archive and marking the file as executable.
ZIP archives into a different file format.
All files are ZIP archives for fast download.
It must also be uncompressed, unencrypted, and the first file in the ZIP archive.
To minimize download time, applets are usually delivered in a form of compressed zip archive (having jar extension).
Creation of ZIP archives with encrypted headers was available.
The independent distribution included a main zip archive (UnxUtils.