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By the time he got the zoning, it was 1989.
However, it should never be the only form of zoning.
It would increase to 35,000 by 2020 under current zoning.
"There just is no right to have a certain zoning in effect."
Under current zoning, a new building on the same lot could have about 441,000 square feet.
"Why should only one not have the benefit of its own zoning power?"
The first zoning plan of 1934 was followed by further plans in 1957 and 1970.
"How could they change the zoning without even letting people know?"
The town has no special zoning to protect the district.
"Can you imagine what it would be like if there were no zoning on land?"
"Part of the issue here is image - and that's a very difficult thing to do through zoning."
The buildings are allowed by right under the current zoning.
The matter of zoning, he said, might be less complicated.
Current zoning, he said, would allow far more intensive development.
You will want to know of any zoning changes in the pipeline.
The Council is expected to take up the zoning changes next spring.
Another effect of the zoning has been to provide generous open space within the building.
The town's planning and zoning department has worked hard to keep commercial development at bay.
Money and zoning problems have pushed the opening back at least three times.
"And if he did, then the site would have to comply with the new zoning."
Each of the buildings would have been on a separate zoning and tax lot.
Now, there is another side to zoning, a more modern and creative one.
They also have concerns about the property's zoning and the use of open space for a private business.
Under current zoning, he said, "you could put another house right there, and it would be quite beautiful."
But the conference center requires a change to commercial zoning.