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Even though they look like jellyfish, they are zoologically not related to them.
You can find out, zoologically speaking, at the Prospect Park Zoo.
Also, besides being a mascot, his reactions in space may reveal valuable scientific data zoologically."
Do we want to classify ourselves zoologically?
Fables are allegories, and the beasts they feature, wild or domestic, have never been zoologically correct.
Zoologically speaking, lobsters are certainly not insects.
Otherwise he was botanically and zoologically illiterate.
Moreover although, with hindsight, such a classification appears scientifically absurd it is zoologically perfectly sensible.
Australia may be isolated by sea, but technically through Wallacea it can be zoologically extended.
I hold that a distinct family for Man, as Huxley allows, is all that can possibly be given him zoologically.
Did flesh become more palatable as its source roamed or swam zoologically closer to the ingredients in one's usual diet?
Miraj Khan catalogued three generations of his forebears, zoologically, in a muted growl.
Since the 1980s, the baku appears not as a chimera of an elephant and tiger but as a zoologically recognizable tapir.
They are also known to fishermen as "conger eels" or "Congo snakes", which are zoologically incorrect designations.
Zoologically speaking, the well-housed pandas are the prime diversions, especially if you are not en route to the Sìchuān wilds.
In addition to some mild, and zoologically appropriate, bits of scatological and sexual innuendo, there are some gunshots, which harm neither animals nor people.
The fish are zoologically accurate: Ms. Glen, who lives in Needham, Mass., makes life-study drawings at aquariums.
If novelists were labeled zoologically, Arthur Phillips would fall naturally into the dolphin family: his writing is playful, cerebral, likable, wide-ranging and inventive.
Theologically unsound, dramaturgically weak, philologically impossible, zoologically rigged, salted conspicuously with gold, and shot through with anachronisms.
They're not zoologically correct; rather, with their big, cartoonish eyes, they are like friendly creatures encountered in dreams or fairy tales, or wild things envisioned by an outsider artist.
--I am surprised at your saying that "during the whole Tertiary period North America was zoologically far more strongly contrasted with South America than it is now."
By focusing on early childhood (as indeed he must; that is his profession, and his institute has contributed a vast body of empirical material), Piaget sees what is biologically (zoologically?)
("Our animals were treated better than most humans," boasts the movie's zoologically correct press kit; "cast and crew were made to walk through foot baths of disinfectant before entering a 'puppy area.' ")
The term has fallen into disuse because this grand division between man on the one hand and all other higher primates on the other is zoologically unsound, however soothing it may be to our pride.