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"I think we might have a little zoologist on our hands."
With her parents being zoologists, she knows a lot about nature and animals in particular.
Between 1821 and 1940, several zoologists described the species from other areas.
Zoologists say the problem's so bad native species could be at risk.
It was not collected by zoologists for the next 61 years.
That was when Richardson began his career as a zoologist.
Zoologists usually are identified by the animal group they study.
The zoologists try to understand the ways of animal communication.
Q. You've written that you never wanted to be anything but a zoologist.
This is due to the fact that most of the participants were zoologists.
He was, after all, a zoologist, and a damned good one.
For the zoologist, the facility had to meet several criteria.
The other specimens were described by zoologists at the museum.
Inevitably I was destined to become a zoologist in later life.
Thought I was going to be a zoologist then.
Zoologists can only say what we think has happened so far.'
As a child, she wanted to be a zoologist.
The book is one of intense interest throughout to a zoologist".
The zoologist made no comment, but when the rescue party hit the trail, he was ready.
My colleague Wilson, the zoologist, also had a paper which he proposed to read.
However, this has not been observed since 1896, and most zoologists today doubt its existence.
She was merely doing field research, the same way anthropologists, zoologists, and other scientists had always done.
They are done by zoologists to find out the internal structure of animal bodies.
Zoologists who experience this believe it to be an impressive deterrent.
They were criminals only in the sense that species are classified by a zoologist.