Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
What's more she could zoom in and out with a second control.
For all I really know, you might zoom out and return to your own body as if nothing is wrong.
We could zoom people in and make them feel as if they were there.
We zoom out to see it is on a television.
He zoomed hard, gave her all the power she could take.
As a result, you zoom from 0 to 60 in just a bit over 6 seconds.
And the number of drug development programs has zoomed to 40, from 16 four years ago.
If so you can choose any part of the course to zoom in on.
Followed car this morning which would zoom along at 60, then down to 40.
You should be able to zoom through your entire address book in a single list.
"Who knows what will happen a year from now if the economy zooms off?"
I'll give you a view of that here, and we'll zoom in.
The units were able to zoom and position the picture.
The video will zoom in and out on some of the photos.
Use the control on the left side of the map to zoom in or out.
Also, be sure to zoom in to see all of the markers.
His body zooming around the house like he's in a video game.
Zooming in and out is also possible at one single step.
He zoomed down to the surface of the world to watch.
Or you could zoom out again, all the way to galaxies, and start over.
That fish came zooming up to the top then, to see what you were doing.
He looked back at me, now understanding how come I zoomed ahead before.
The frame began to zoom in on one window of the building high up.
And further, what is the point of being able to zoom in when there's no detail?
We zoomed right by; I looked out the back window to see his white eyes.