From 1956-60, Pesky was a manager in the Detroit farm system, reaching the AA level.
He also played two games for Houston at the AA level that same season, but that ended his professional career.
The high school previously had a successful Cross Country team (in 2003, it was ranked 3rd in the state at the "AA" level).
In 2004, Johnston made the Pirates team out of spring training despite never previously pitching above the AA level.
The Crusaders had previously competed at the AA level.
It played at the AA level.
The two five-team districts allow the districts to expand if and when other new schools are constructed or reach the AA level.
The team won the Flyer's cup in the 2005-2006 season, 2006- 2007 season, and the 2007-2008 season at the AA level.
He spent six years as a catcher in the Yankees farm system, though never advancing above the AA level.
He bounced back to the AA level before earning a promotion to the major leagues in August of that year.