For some, the input might be just a few numbers (for example, simulation of a waveform of AC electricity on a wire), while others might require terabytes of information (such as weather and climate models).
The generator produces AC electricity.
An inverter converts the DC electricity from sources such as batteries, solar panels, or fuel cells to AC electricity.
The alternating stroke currents behave more like AC electricity, where the energy travels on the surface of the conductor and at the frequency typical of lightning, "everything becomes a conductor", therefore the energy may pass relatively benignly "around" the body, minimizing injury.
Mill changed from DC to AC electricity.
This unfortunate event paved the way for the first long distance transmission of AC electricity in the world when Willamette Falls Electric company installed experimental AC generators from Westinghouse in 1890.
However, his limited schooling, especially in mathematics, kept him from a true understanding of the theory behind AC electricity.
In order to prove that AC electricity was better for executions, Brown and Edison killed many animals, including a circus elephant (Topsy), while testing their prototypes.
The Hitachi EH4500 trucks are powered by AC electricity from overhead trolley lines.
If the mains fails, an inverter will be used to produce AC electricity at mains voltage from the DC battery.