They sued the university, were represented by ACLU lawyers, and ultimately won their case.
An ACLU lawyer had sued the cops' asses, and won, but that didn't bring the vamp back.
An ACLU lawyer described it as a political tool aimed at students who did not "know science or understand the controversy over evolution and creationism."
"I guess I've never been on the same side of anything as an ACLU lawyer."
Maggie Bloom- ACLU lawyer who takes on Shay's case.
It would be a good practice in journalism to actually try to get a response from them instead of all the information in the article coming from ACLU lawyers.
But mad dog ACLU lawyers filed a lawsuit to kill Proposition 187.
Christopher Coates is a U.S. Justice Department official and former ACLU lawyer.
At 10:02, the protestors left, followed at 10:03 by the ACLU lawyers.
But she was well represented by ACLU lawyers in the State of Washington, and each month was able to secure a stay of her discharge.