Although AIDS medication is free in Brazil, many don't have the money to travel to the hospital to get it.
These cycles of abuse and exploitation will not disappear by making AIDS medication more readily available.
She tested positive a decade ago but refuses any AIDS medication.
He says the drug can also compromise immune function and interfere with AIDS medications.
The cost of a year's AIDS medication has fallen to $350 from $15,000.
That would make AIDS medications, for instance, available in Africa at much lower prices.
Last month, several big companies slashed the prices of their life-sustaining AIDS medications to levels unimaginable only two months ago.
He began counseling her to take her AIDS medications, to find an apartment, a job.
Between 10 and 30 percent of those who take the grueling course of new AIDS medications fail to respond, experts say.
We must, for example, lend support to those poor countries which are endeavouring to produce cheap AIDS medication.