When AOL customers call to cancel, the average duration of the call is 10 to 11 minutes.
Consumerist.com for example, posted a recording of an AOL customer given a rough time for trying to cancel dial-up service.
Still, just how personal even "anonymous" information can be was shown vividly last week as a list of three months of search queries from 657,000 AOL customers began circulating online.
In other words, the high-speed AOL customer will be as much the cable company's customer as they are America Online's.
The station signed an agreement with AOL's radio network, which is available only to AOL customers.
He said United was preparing a new marketing campaign to lure AOL customers.
If you're an AOL customer, you use AOL's e-mail reader.
It was also helped by strong results in its cable and movie divisions and by a price increase for some AOL customers, though magazine operations faltered.
This is true for users behind proxies (such as AOL customers).
This program was used by thousands of AOL customers between 1999 and 2004.