(c) 1963 ATV Music.
For a very short period at the start, Pye's then-parent, ATV Music, owned Prelude.
Jackson raised his bid to $47.5 million and it was accepted because he could close the deal more quickly, having already completed due diligence of ATV Music.
Jackson's purchase of ATV Music was finalized August 10, 1985.
Branca closed the deal and purchased ATV Music on Jackson's behalf for $47.5 million on Aug. 10.
All Songs Published By ATV Music.
This was known as ATV Music and existed initially to publish TV-related music, such as theme tunes, composed by its in-house composers.
Mr. Jackson will receive $70 million in advance against revenue that EMI expected to generate managing the publishing rights to ATV Music.
(c) 1955, ATV Music.
Rob started in music publishing with ATV Music and EMI Publishing.