Like the AV cables, controllers, and the like.
Noticeably absent are the dock, remote, wall charger, and AV cables which can be purchased individually or bundled with your new iPod at the Apple Store.
If you're at all interested in video output, the AV cables are a must-have and can be found for around $20 online or at a retail store.
The Composite video cable, or simply AV cable is included with the GameCube.
It sells AV cables, blank DVD media and other electronics products under the AmazonBasics product label.
Plug in the power supply, connect your AV cables (HDMI makes this especially easy), and hit "OK" on the remote.
You can use a generic AV cable by reversing the RED and YELLOW inputs.
It includes an AV cable for playback on larger screens.
Packaged with its own AV cable for easy, intuitive setup.
A composite AV cable is provided to optionally connect the device to a television.