Aboriginal families have strict social rules regarding who they can marry.
Aboriginal immediate families include aunts, uncles and a number of other relatives who would be considered "distant relations" in the context of the nuclear family.
In response, Aboriginal families moved to settle around these camps.
They settled on the mission with several other Aboriginal families.
The play focuses on the Millimurras, an Australian Aboriginal family and their attempts at subsistence.
Aboriginal families will be required to spend at least half their fortnightly welfare on food and essentials.
This action ignores "rising concerns among Aboriginal families regarding inappropriate education"
By the late 1950s, Aboriginal families were camped at Shirley Well permanently.
In the 1950s, her family was moved out of the bush to live at Warburton, with many other Aboriginal families.
Before the 20th century, most Aboriginal families lived by themselves or in groups of 20-30 people.