He has support within the region as well as outside it, spearheaded by the Adirondack Council.
The proposal has the backing of the Adirondack Council, one of the park's most prominent environmental advocacy groups.
Last month, the Adirondack Council, a private conservation organization, expressed concern about what it called "the state's failure" to safeguard available land.
A spokesman for the Adirondack Council, a private environmental group that focuses on the park region, said the agreement was "tremendous news."
She is also on the board of the Adirondack Council, an environmental preservation group.
Groups like the Adirondack Council that are intimately familiar with the interplay between man and nature in the park like the idea.
The flights and the routes were also criticized by the Adirondack Council, a private group representing several environmental organizations.
This immediately caused a furor within the environmental community, led by the Adirondack Council, a private watchdog group.
She is also a board member of the Adirondack Council, a nonprofit preservation group.
Richard Beamish, a spokesman for the Adirondack Council, an environmental group, said he knew of no opposition to the proposal.