But the Administration is commendably avoiding the big new tax cuts that some Republicans have started advocating.
Conducted on December 14th, the Administration narrowly avoided making 2011 the first year since 1953 without an offshore lease sale.
Until now, the Administration has steadfastly avoided such gimmicks.
The Administration has so far avoided an official answer as it tries to balance competing interests.
His decision today reflected a complicated equation of political pressures that the Administration has avoided spelling out in public.
The manufacturers also want the Administration to avoid cuts in Medicare and Medicaid.
Among them were these: * Can any Administration avoid compliance with the law by simply launching a covert operation?
But it is critical that the new Administration avoid the temptation to make foreign policy a crusade to receive support from the American people.
The suggested compromise may enable the Administration and the Senate to avoid a head-on confrontation over the treaty.
In 2009 the Administration carefully avoided the term and the notion, and they were still hammered for "death panels" etc.