The principles, which Mr. Nunn hoped Mr. Shultz would state in a letter to the Senate, would establish that an Administration "cannot" revise its interpretation of a ratified treaty without Senate approval.
Each insists that the Administration revise the plan's $70 billion energy tax that accounts for nearly a third of the total revenue increase but which threatens oil producers, farmers and manufacturers.
In issuing its estimates for the surplus today, the Administration revised, with some eye-popping results, the numbers that it released as part of the President's budget in February.
But the fight to slow the spread of AIDS can't gain momentum until the Administration revises the way it approaches the epidemic.
Now, tantalizingly close to the end of that road, Hanoi cannot be sure that a new Congress or perhaps a Democratic Administration will not revise the road map by raising additional issues of political pluralism and human rights.
Senate Democrats are supporting a binding condition to the accord that would affirm their position that an Administration cannot revise its interpretation of a treaty without Senate approval.
So now the Administration is reportedly revising its fee schedule to keep total payments to physicians roughly even.
To satisfy Congressional critics, the Administration revised its bill, weakening its testing provisions and laying the foundation for an interventionist Federal role in local schooling.
In the document itself, the Administration revised its growth forecast for this year to 2.7 percent, up from 2.2 percent in January, right after the fourth quarter when growth had virtually stopped.
The potential benefits of a mutual approach could be significant, provided the Administration revised its attitude and the rhetoric in which it is expressed.