Advertising linage at the paper is just above 1990 levels.
The Times's advertising linage increased 5.9 percent for the year, to a record 118 million lines.
The decline in advertising linage is expected to continue, it said.
For the fourth quarter, advertising linage dropped by 8.8 percent, to 22.1 million lines.
The company, however, does not break down nonfinancial advertising linage.
Indeed, in advertising linage, many papers would be pleased to get back to 1991's weak level.
Advertising linage in July and August has been about 7 percent below last year's level, he said.
Advertising linage at The Journal declined 16 percent in the period.
The 423 strategy had worked, and in one week the Union's advertising linage had nearly doubled.
Also, advertising linage at The Journal fell 2 percent in the quarter.