Advocates applaud those efforts, but they say it is not enough.
Advocates of school desegregation applauded the Federal and state actions.
Advocates of women's right to abortion applauded the decision.
Lawyers and other advocates for disabled children applauded the Commissioner's actions.
Both advocates for the poor and hospital officials applauded the plan, the city's largest expansion of primary-care services yet.
Their advocates, citing the changed medical landscape of the past couple of years, applaud those efforts.
While children's advocates applaud Common Sense's object, some say it is an unrealistic one.
Advocates for transit riders applauded the plan to ease congestion yesterday.
Advocates for the elderly applauded the efforts to clarify the issue to insure that legal immigrants receive the care they need.
Some outside advocates applauded the industry for improving working and living conditions on board and said complaints of exploitation had declined in recent years.