The new technology allows every ship in a battle group to share radar information, including from the powerful Aegis systems.
So, what do you think of our Aegis system?
The signal from the Aegis system, he said, "is very specific" in looking at a particular area, or "box" in the sky.
There's no source for them much closer than Aegis system.
It was the first time that a cruiser with an Aegis system had been used in the gulf operations.
So - what's the current simultaneous target acquisition capability of the Aegis system?
Taiwan's special interest in the Aegis system is not hard to understand.
One thing the Aegis system cannot do automatically, however, is positively identify an aircraft by its radar image alone.
The Aegis system can give the range to a target within tens of feet.
David Charles had a great deal of faith in the Aegis system.