She helped found the Africa Bureau with the Rev. Michael Scott, an Anglican priest who championed Namibian independence and with whom she fell in love.
Interestingly, the Inspector General's office criticized the Africa Bureau while Africa policy under the Bush Administration was widely heralded as one of the Administration's most successful foreign policy achievements.
She is presently the Chief of Staff of the Africa Bureau of the U.S. Department of State.
He also joined the Fabian Society, for whom he became Treasurer of the Africa Bureau.
The leadership of the State Department's Africa Bureau was held by holdovers from the Bush Administration, which had, for years, backed Mr. Savimbi.
But with Mr. Clinton's team finally being installed in the Africa Bureau and, more importantly, with recalcitrance on the part of Unita, the policy has shifted.
"Until now, Africa has been bypassed by all the innovative structures elsewhere," said Warren Weinstein, of the Africa Bureau of the Agency for International Development.
"In addition to compliance with existing law and contracting regulations, Butcher proposed several new initiatives, one of which established the Minority Involvement Office in the Africa Bureau."
He also led delegations to the Government from the Anti-Slavery Society (of which he was Vice President) and the Africa Bureau.
He then returned to UNHCR Headquarters, Geneva where he served as Senior Legal Advisor to the Africa Bureau.