"My African ancestors are an invisible but strong presence in my kitchen," the author says.
She also knows nothing about her African ancestors before Barbara.
Like his African ancestors, he vows in the end to "return to you a whole, honorable, and clean man.
A statistical analysis done in 1958 estimated that 21 percent of the white population had African ancestors.
As she does, her African ancestors haunt her dreams.
I woke up in the middle of the night with flashes of the struggles of my African ancestors for justice.
There may be family stories about African ancestors.
An example is the "one-drop rule" implemented in some state laws that treated anyone with a single known African American ancestor as black.
Most of the African ancestors were brought as slaves to the region while it was in Spanish control.
They believe that dedicated followers will gain "Iwapele", giving them a connection to their first African ancestors.