Africa with an African boy who plays tribal music.
Thought of the dusty little African boy carrying water on his head, sweating and trying so hard to focus.
His sympathy went all the way with the African boys fighting in the bush.
It's supposed to be the skull of an African boy who was brought here during the slave trade, but I don't believe it.
Poor little African boy, all that way from home!
About the year 1852 he opened a school for the education of African boys and girls redeemed from slavery.
"Do you suppose the African boy had a preexisting cardiovascular problem?"
What exactly is it that makes little South African boys - and a few girls - want to grow up to be rangers?
The song "Yemkela" was written about a young African boy he met on his trip.
In 1947, the first two African American boys were invited to attend and 1989, a girls' program was established.