The neighborhood was home to many black working-class people, but also a class of young professional African American "elite" including Langston Hughes.
Shame on the lazy, greedy African elites who allow and encourage these disasters and do nothing to avoid them.
On what do you base this notion that "African elites" allow and encourage these disasters or otherwise do nothing to avoid them?
Shame on the lazy, greedy and corrupt African elites who see the disaster as an opportunity to skim off more aid money.
The African elite sees compromise as a sign of weakness.
These women represented the city's African American elite.
But the area became most strongly identified with the African American elites who were attracted by public transit and the nearby Howard University.
It provides economic hope and shows African elites an example of success which they may take as exemplars of their own future.
The remaining five, however, are largely in the hands of African elites.
It had affected the African elite, which had led the bees to race suicide.