There have been none of the wildcat strikes South African labor is known for.
In addition, South African labor, while relatively expensive, is mainly poorly educated and militant.
African labor was essential in all the regions of Colombia, even until modern times.
Mine bosses insisted on using African labour in the mines.
It was built by the French, using African labor, in the first two decades of the 20th century.
By the end of the 19th century, Portuguese landowners had successfully introduced cocoa production using forced African labor.
The combination of English agricultural technology, and African labor, proved to be of great benefit for the city.
The expansion of tea-planting led to a shortage of African labour, which became acute after 1945.
African American labor created the cotton plantations that generated so much wealth for the planters.
Portuguese colonial rule in the twentieth century was characterized by rigid dictatorship and exploitation of African labor.