Between 600 and 900 miners are killed and 15,000 badly injured each year in South African mines.
After withdrawal, several were sold to South African mines, where some were modified once again.
I've sold out all my diamond holdings, but plenty of my competitors have interests in the African mines.
The number of suspended workers is about 40pc of its total workforce at the key African mine.
The finding that bacteria can live at the bottom of South African mines provides a model cited by the authors.
He said the company should begin production in its Australian and South African mines next year.
It is believed to have been found in an African mine.
Over the decades thousands of workers have been forced by the lack of job opportunities to find work at South African mines.
Within the company, attempts to promote blacks at its eight South African mines encounter difficulties.
These benefits are not negligible, given the hundreds of deaths in South African mines each year.