As an adult, she spent years studying African objects: one continent's life turned into another's ethnography.
Throughout the weekend, audience members can visit the museum for classes in making animal masks and African ceremonial objects.
The building now provides 750m2 for the display of the permanent collection, comprising 2,126 African objects.
A gathering of African objects owned by 28 contemporary artists, the show is certainly a study in personal taste.
Two of the show's youngest artists incorporate African objects into their work.
The exhibition combines the art of African objects and huge photographs that show them in use.
Most of the artists seem to treasure their African objects for ineffable reasons having to do with imagination and inner life.
African and native American objects, which he and his wife collect, fill the rest of the house.
The mart opened in 1986 to house about 50 small-scale merchants selling everything from African objects to videos.
Is this a show about the African objects, or Gottlieb, or both?