The Portuguese brought them to their African and Asiatic possessions like India.
The French have removed large numbers of troops from their African possessions, leaving the way open for revolt.
France made extensive use of tribal allies (goumiers) as auxiliaries in its North African possessions.
This accounts for some of the hopefulness with which France was to look to her African possessions for military manpower in the twentieth century.
This system was seen as the backbone for the African possessions of the British Empire, and was not completed.
An estimated 800,000 Portuguese returned to Portugal as the country's African possessions gained independence in 1975.
Maio's concentration on events to the north, however, proved the downfall of the African possessions of the crown.
Italy was forced to give up its African possessions, including Eritrea.
London granted independence to its African possessions in a spirit of resignation, largely withdrawing except for business ties.
An estimated 1.6 million pieds noirs returned to France as the country's North African possessions gained independence.