Distinguished African American scientists of the 20th century.
"In the beginning there was considerable shame associated with the disease," an African scientist said.
Presumably the South African scientist had a plan--but what?
South African scientists also operate a research reactor called Safari 1 that is under agency inspection.
Efforts aimed at creating lasting long-term partnerships between African scientists and research institutions in Africa.
The French and South African scientists heading up the study ended it early for ethical reasons.
At present, African scientists do not participate sufficiently in international research and development projects, including those that receive the financial backing of the European Union.
There have been scholarships and research fellowships to help African scientists come and work in Europe.
We are going to have to give particular attention in our debate on this subject to the solutions being proposed by the African scientists themselves.
The Internet will connect African scientists to the kind of specialized information that once resided exclusively in expensive books and printed journals.