Cloistered academics augment these absurd claims by arguing that street English is structurally similar to West African tongues.
Several nations, especially in the Caribbean, have their own Creole languages, derived from European languages and various African tongues.
I would have lacked the maturity to make such a speech in English but the African tongue is gracious and by its very nature fits such words easily.
The official language is French, but Sanghocc, an African tongue, is understood throughout the country.
He and his father came down together, their voices soft in the liquid sound of some African tongue.
French is the official language, but numerous African tongues are used by the various ethnic groups.
The African tongues, mostly Mande, influenced Kriolu chiefly.
He spoke a few hasty words to the carver in some African tongue, then turned back to the boys.
Then it was that Hans, who understood something of Arabic as he did of most African tongues, pulled my sleeve and whispered in my ear.
She glared at Roger for a long minute more, than whirled on her heel, saying something violent to the man in the odd African tongue.