The song's lyrics envision a higher degree of African-American identity.
To Hale this is not simply a literary technique but a sign of African-American linguistic identity.
The poems address themes of love and race, and for many residents they spring from a cultivated African-American identity.
It was notable for helping strengthen African-American intellectual and political identity in the age of Jim Crow.
Raising a child secure in his African-American identity was a major issue long before they knew Kathy was pregnant.
Is it necessary for Jewish identity to be minimized in order to assert African-American identity?
Permeating his work is pride in the African-American identity and its diverse culture.
The essays in this collection represent a sustained, lifelong reflection on issues that are still so much with us: race, racism and African-American identity.
Rather, her verse speaks of motherhood, African-American identity, theology and history.
Mrs. Blackwell taught him about the civil rights movement and struggled to transmit her strong sense of African-American identity.