The film was one of a number of low-budgeted musicals (or "race movies") made in the 1930s and 1940s for the African-American market.
Interestingly, in populations with large African-American markets, the number of black-owned stations are not correlated with the large market.
The Gardners figured that with corporate giants chasing the increasingly lucrative African-American market, their growth prospects were dim without access to more capital.
"Word of mouth is important in the African-American market," she said.
Since 1972, teen magazines in the United States have reached out to the African-American market with publications such as Right On!
So they experimented in the African-American market, which had been untapped.
The company will continue other initiatives aimed at the African-American market, she added.
"We tell them that the African-American market has not been tapped for fixing up homes."
"General market advertising agencies don't understand the African-American market and don't take the market seriously."
"You cannot have a 23-year-old white media planner put together a plan," he added, "and assume you are in touch with what the African-American market is doing."