The 30-second advertisements are being shown in 10 contested states with large numbers of African-American residents.
Omaha's African-American residents were spread throughout the small city from its founding through the 1900s.
Nearly 200 veterans are buried there, along with many of the city's early African-American residents and several thousand immigrants.
From 1995-2000, California was a net loser of African-American residents.
Non-profit groups seek ways to assist the mainly African-American residents left in the area.
Later arriving African-American residents settled in the upper town on the bluff.
As industry began to move out of the inner-city, the African-American residents lost the stable jobs that had brought them to the area.
Today the district has the highest percentage (65.5) of African-American residents among congressional districts in the nation.
Today the proportion of African-American residents is about 30.4% in the 2nd District.
The migration of African-American residents to this area began in the early 1960s, with desegregation and improved job opportunities.