A music and dance ensemble celebrates the Afro-Brazilian culture of Brazil.
Other important aspect of the collection is the fact that several artworks, mainly of devotional nature, are closely related to Afro-Brazilian culture.
Now it's the heart of Afro-Brazilian culture.
"All this cultural movement is going to be translated into political movement," predicted the promoter of Afro-Brazilian culture.
Its songs are about the proud survival of Afro-Brazilian culture, but the beat is all about parading in the starts.
The African influence in many cultural aspects of the city makes it the centre of Afro-Brazilian culture.
On one hand, Salvador has recently seen a renaissance in Afro-Brazilian culture.
Yoruba words and phrases from Afro-Brazilian culture dotted the songs.
The historical sections explore Afro-Brazilian culture and racial discrimination.
The art, literature, and music created by Afro-Brazilian culture and miscegenation were suddenly held in great esteem.