Some studies have linked longevity to types of AIDS-related diseases.
In Russia, 105 people are known to have died so far of AIDS-related diseases, including 64 children.
The Mayor's budget would also provide additional help for people with AIDS-related disease and add child welfare workers.
When he is dying of an AIDS-related disease, Mary is the only person who remembers and eventually takes care of him.
Between three million and four million people are dying each year from AIDS-related diseases.
Weems died in prison of an AIDS-related disease in 1986.
He died of an AIDS-related disease at the age of 48.
Stuart Challender died of an AIDS-related disease on 13 December 1991.
In addition to those who get AIDS, 25 to 50 percent of the others develop serious AIDS-related disease.
More than half of this country's 15-year-olds will die of AIDS-related diseases, government officials say.