A spokesman at Airbus headquarters, however, refused to confirm the remarks.
Last week, I was telling you about a visit to the Airbus headquarters in Toulouse, France, to view the prototype of a true whale of an airplane, the superjumbo A380.
The weird part was the hourlong extravaganza put on before the plane was unveiled inside a hangar the size of Pittsburgh at Airbus headquarters.
The Airbus order was announced at a news conference in Toulouse, France, the Airbus headquarters, attended by Prime Minister Tony Blair of Britain.
"It's a figurehead, but it's certainly not the only project we have," he said in an interview at Airbus headquarters outside this southern French city.
Final assembly work on the plane will take place at Airbus headquarters in Toulouse, France.
Mr. Humbert made his remarks in an interview with reporters at Airbus headquarters here.
"Ten years ago, this would have been impossible," Mr. Forgeard said in an interview at Airbus headquarters here.
It is also supported by European aircraft manufacturer Airbus, which organizes many of the logistical aspects the association, including Airbus headquarters.
That flight will depart from Airbus headquarters in Toulouse, France, where the A380 program has had unexpected manufacturing delays.