After the loss all three Guapos' attacked Alan Stone, drawing blood.
Take Alan Stone, for example, a smartly dressed 51-year-old businessman, who has been divorced for seven years and has two grown children.
And he brought in Alan Stone from the Clinton White House to run public affairs.
They would lose the title to Alan Stone and Jennifer Blake on March 13, 2011.
In late 2005, after returning from injury Intocable began a long feud with Alan Stone who was acting like his rudo-double.
The tournament ended with Alan Stone winning the tournament.
Alan Stone, 60, is a senior vice president with responsibility for energy and for running a small railroad Stone picked up in one acquisition.
"He has lots of young friends in their 50s," said a son-in-law, Alan Stone.
During the match Alan Stone and Virus eliminated each other when both men's shoulders were on the mat during the three count.
Terrible's replacement, Alan Stone, did not meet expectations and Los Guapos was effectively ended soon after.