Among native Alaskan tribes, support is mixed.
The Tsimshians are an Alaskan tribe.
An agency within the Interior Department, the Bureau of Indian Affairs has the job of providing certain services to native American and native Alaskan tribes.
Alaskan Indian tribes sought the order, saying they had been locked out of negotiations to settle civil litigation from the Exxon Valdez oil spill.
There were Eskimo and Alaskan tribes but they didn't count geographically in America.
Lawyers knowledgeable about Indian law said the case had set a precedent that would allow other Alaskan tribes to resolve important cultural matters and civil disputes themselves.
Many Native American and Alaskan tribes practiced septum piercing.
Fifteen Alaskan Indian tribes had sought today's temporary order.
The act also allowed the Alaskan tribe to have freedom from the BIA.
An Alaskan Indian tribe owns the plywood company.