He resigned for Albanian local elections, 2011.
The Albanian parliamentary election was won by the only party on the ballot, the Democratic Front, which officially received 889,868 of the 889,875 votes cast.
After Albanian parliamentary election in 2009 the Committee have 13 members.
The Albanian parliamentary election of 1921 was the first election held in Albania.
He joined the assembly after the resignation of 3 members at the Albanian local elections, 2011.
The Albanian local elections of 2011 took place on 8 May 2011 in Albania.
Exactly one year ago, just after the Albanian election had taken place, I asked the same question of the Italian Presidency as it then was.
The Albanian local elections in 1996 was the second local election held in Albania.
I was in Tirana, watching the Albanian general election.
The last Albanian parliamentary elections were in November 1982.