An Albanian version of the song was also produced, entitled "Nesër shkoj" ("Tomorrow I will leave").
Like the Chinese Type 56 carbine, the Albanian version also features a spike bayonet fixed beneath the muzzle.
The stock on the Albanian versions being of a slightly different manufacture and being rarer due to low production numbers.
An Albanian version of the song was also released, entitled "Imazhi yt" ("Your Reflection").
This society also engages in reproducing the earliest known Albanian versions or portions of the Bible.
She also produced Albanian version of The X Factor, which is currently number-one show in Albania.
This is the first season of the Albanian version of the reality show Secret Story, based on the original French version.
The Albanian version has around sixty pleats, or usually a moderate number.
She has also appeared in the second edition of the Albanian version of Dancing with the Stars.
The song has a few differences from the Albanian version, although the song meaning is still the same as in Albanian.