His ideology, expressed through different forms of speeches and journalism, became a strong weapon for the democratic Albanian youth.
As they drove down the road, groups of Albanian youths gathered by the side of the road and stared.
The trouble was sparked off by rumours that the police had killed an Albanian youth during a raid on black-marketeers.
Several Albanian youths said they are simply members of a tight-knit ethnic group.
Since its founding, the camp has hosted about 1400 Albanian youths.
Two Albanian youths were charged with the killing.
Tough Albanian youths hover around their side of the bridge, where the United Nations has its headquarters.
Mr. Caviano said that a few years ago he was mugged and robbed by 13 Albanian youths.
The party was mostly supported by the Albanian youth at the 2005 elections.
In addition, it is considered by the Albanian youth as a nightlife destination.