The Albertina Museum in Vienna evacuated 950,000 artworks by artists such as Monet and Renoir on 25 June.
His paintings are also featured in a solo show at the Albertina Museum in Vienna, through tomorrow.
The Albertina Museum is next to the State Opera House at Albertinaplatz 3, (43-1) 534-830, fax (43-1) 533-7697;
The work of an Austrian scholar - Konrad Oberhuber, now director of the Albertina Museum in Vienna - it rethinks its subject comprehensively and from end to end.
In 1970, the St. Sophia Museum requested photocopies of the originals from the Albertina Museum located in Vienna.
Albertina Museum (in German)
"It would be impossible to create again a climate and atmosphere in which these hundreds of poets and scientists could work," Klaus Albrecht Schröder, the director of the Albertina Museum, said.
Ms. Winters, the curator of earlier European art at the Milwaukee Art Museum, had a meeting with Klaus Albrecht Schröder, the director of Vienna's venerable Albertina Museum.
A more ambitious exhibit, "Mozart: The Enlightenment Experiment," will open March 17 at the Albertina Museum.
Many of his pieces were collected by the British Museum, the Stockholm Engraving Collection and the Albertina Museum in Vienna.