A few blocks north, people are buying historic town houses on Alexander Avenue for less than $500,000; some tenants rent apartments in them for $1,200 a month.
He died at his home at 277 Alexander Avenue, in the Bronx.
In the Bronx, 138th Street from Alexander Avenue to Third Avenue.
The area is patrolled by the 40th Precinct, located at 257 Alexander Avenue.
At the Mitchell Houses on Alexander Avenue, one enumerator was chased down a hallway by an irate resident.
There is indeed an incline at this point on Alexander Avenue, but it is something less than a fearsome hill.
The steady incline of Alexander Avenue as the runners veer left off the span reminds quadriceps and hamstrings that they've pumped hard for 20 miles.
The Landmarks Conservancy has already donated $40,000 for restoration of the church, which is on Alexander Avenue.
St. Jerome's was listed as being at its present site on the corner of Alexander Avenue and E 137th Street in 1892.
It is located on the southeast corner of Alexander Avenue and East 138 Street.